20 Mar 2012


How many ways can I walk? What if there was snow?
Slippery trek...walking cycle...Feet

Free writing from the Sound Journey:

I'm going in circles, round and round
high above and on the ground.
This long term rhythm is stuck in my head. The need to slip and fall. Call.
I'm going in circles, never ending cycle...

My Sound Score - Negotiated Study

Listen to the sound scape

What can you hear?

What do these sounds look like?

How do they feel?

Can these sounds take you back on a journey somewhere?

19 Mar 2012

Studio Practice - Kayte Coe

What am I working with? Letting go of the tension within my body. Feeling of back pain today, can I just respond to what my body needs.

What can I see? What can I do? What can I be? Follow the movement and don't go back on myself - Can this unlock new possibilities and discoveries?

Skinner Release

Slide Hold Torso Grounded Relaxed

Partner Graphic:
My shoulder and arm felt long and tall. When moving with the image of Gossama String after this graphic I could freely move and extend my arm movements.


Studio Practice - Lesson with Gemma Collard-Stokes

Free Writing

STRESS - PRESSURE - how am I going to get everything done and still be ok at the end of it? I'm confused, and strangely calm. Where do I begin? The rain and light is pouring into my soul, my destination is my goal. I will achieve if I keep trying, but just be cautious I'm not dying. Just for now I can forget it all, maybe I should find that ball...or wall, small, call. Although I'm not loving this right now, it will all be over and I'll say wow ...

18 Mar 2012

Sketchbook - Negotiated Study


Setting improvised pathways - car/motor sounds


Setting improvised pathways

Negotiated Study - Setting the pathways through space - Drain/Water Sounds


Markings and trails left behind


Noticing traces and marks left behind ...


Images of my Sound Journey - walk through the snow


Negotiated Study - Feedback from Polly and other students...


Look at repetition/pause/begin again

Write and draw images of how I hear the different sounds

Set pathways through space for set improvisation

Give images and sound a name

Stillness - more silence?

Find clarity - clear... Set the score

14 Mar 2012

Programme Notes

This piece explores the idea of stripping away and searching for what lies within. The idea of hidden identity is central to this work. I have noticed that I gain confidence by applying makeup and covering up ‘imperfections’.

This has made me question;

What is perfection?

Is everything a facade?

How can we find the truth?

Can stereotypes be broken?

I have been inspired by the work of the Performance Artists Franko B and Rachel Lachowicz who both use the body as a tool to leave traces. I am also interested in the Feminist ideas raised by the Guerrilla Girls and how they were masked and their real identities hidden while protesting.

This piece explores how the mask of makeup is used within entertainment, celebration, rituals, power struggles and is also used to hide behind.

By using water, makeup, cloth, paints and sheets, I have been able to explore these questions above in a way that cleanses, reveals and leaves a lasting mark.

Special thanks to Amy Voris, Fiona Jackson, Joana Tischkau and Oana Rotariu.

IPP2 Showing